Thursday, September 22, 2011

Shelburne Museum - More than we'd anticipated

So, we planned to stop at this museum to visit the current exhibit of fashion (1690-current day). I hadn't done much research on it, beyond location and hours, so I was surprised to find this museum is much more than a single building holding a few treasures. In fact, it's several historic structures, duplications and some newer structures placed on 45 acres. Most of the structures house exhibits, either of historical items relating to the structure, or current art exhibits. The circus barn was fantastic, and the entire ship Ticonderoga is housed on the site. We really enjoyed our visit which stretched easily from the 2 hours we'd planned to 5 hours which we fully enjoyed. And we didn't see it all. We did, however, get lots of tips from the weaver, so we'll be ready to put E's table loom into service when we get home.

One of the major highlights of this museum, I must say, is the cafe. Around about lunchtime, we were near the cafe, and I almost didn't check it out because we've seen so many with the same menu - cheeseburgers, grilled cheese, fish sticks...and none very remarkable. So glad we stopped in here. THIS is how museum cafes should be run! I had a LOVELY strawberry, blueberry and spinach salad with vinaigrette dressing, Camembert cheese wedges on maple crackers, a glass of pinot grigio and a cup of Italian sausage chowder that was DELISH! The girls chose the flatbread (E w/ four cheeses, V with Vermont pepperoni). OH, and the menu features Vermont-produced products. If nothing else, Vermont is certainly a leader in supporting local businesses.

Before we left home, I'd promised E a manicure as a reward for turning around her nail biting habit. As a lifelong nailbiter who has tried many times to curb the habit, I can appreciate more than many people how hard that was for her. But we didn't get to the manicure in the rush of August. Today, as we passed through Burlington, VT, there was a nail place "BEST NAILS" shouting from our side of the highway. It was easily accessible...and certainly meant to be. The girls were thrilled with the treat.

Then on to Ben & Jerry's Factory in Waterbury, VT. We enjoyed a nice tour (only $3 for adults, children 12 and under free! WHAT?!) with lively, positive guides who clearly love their jobs. OH, and the tour included ample samples...mmm... Then of course we sat on the patio and enjoyed a larger treat which we purchased. The girls went with straight ice cream (if there's anything simple about Ben & Jerry's), but I spotted a unique local treat - vanilla ice cream drizzled with warm, real maple syrup and topped with crushed walnuts. Mmmm...Who knew!? A new favorite treat for me.

Finally, found camp at Smuggler's Notch State Park before the rain set in.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of V. in the tree and the picture of E. in the red chair. Beautiful Girls!


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