Saturday, October 9, 2010

Birthday on the Beach

Today was V's day, so she got to choose our adventure. With limited knowledge of the island, she wasn't interested in exploring. She wanted to head back to a great beach she'd already experienced, so we were off to Lydgate State Park again to enjoy the day. Both girls particularly appreciate that boulders stacked in 1963 to form a large protected swimming area specifically designed for children still provides that protection. But it doesn't keep out the fish which are friendly, particularly with visitors who bring food to share.

Upon our arrival this morning, the girls quickly discovered that the driftwood lean-to they'd begun building yesterday had survived high tide, so between swimming sessions, we were back at it, building, decorating, enjoying the shade of the structure. V fed lots of fish with Mr. B while E made friends with locals in the swell that survives in the keiki pools at Lydgate.

As the sun set, we took our sandy selves out to dinner at V's choice: Kauai Pasta. Then we picked up a pumpkin pie for dessert back at the shack with her movie pick, "My Neighbor Tortoro."

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I can just hear it now. "Well... I had my 8th birthday on the beach in Hawaii..." HOW INCREDIBLE! You have certainly made life so far, an amazing learning adventure for your girls. Congratulations!


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