Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Farewell Shadow Kitty

Last weekend, we said goodbye to our long-time furry friend, Shadow. Mr. B and I picked up this little black furball from the pound in the summer of 1998. Since then, she's been a good companion, bird catcher and thrill seeker. But she'd never been a particularly stout kitty.

Recently, she'd been losing weight and growing increasingly surly. A couple of weeks ago she got involved heavily with some chocolate and that weekend we thought she was going to call life quits. But with the help of canned cat food (a luxury around here) and some TLC she pulled through.

Last weekend, however, she took a sudden turn for the worse, and passed away within ours of her apparent downturn. She died in my arms Sunday morning at the stroke of 9 while the girls and Mr. B were at church.

The girls held a funeral for her. E made a nice wreath to place on her grave.


  1. Awwww, it's always tough to say farewell to a beloved pet.
    We went through the same thing a few years back with our 14 year old lab mix, Scout. His ashes are at the base of an oak tree in Paso Robles somewhere(at least that's where the Vet said they would be placed:)).
    E sure made a beautiful wreath! Looks like Shadow had a nice service, and I'm sure a nice life too:)

  2. Tears...
    I agree, our furry family members are almost as dear to our hearts as the others. I'm truly sorry for your loss, but I'm happy that your loving face was her final image.

    Love to you all, and best wishes.

  3. That is tough. The cycle of life can be heart breaking. We have a few areas in the parents yard that have special little things marking our pets final resting places. Happy Shadow memories to your family.

  4. Sorry about the good old kitten. It breaks my heart when a cat dies, but you always remember them, and another little orphan will come your way. It also is good grief training for children, to learn that life has an end.


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