Monday, June 27, 2011

Considering options

It's been nearly four months since we cleaned out the clutter from our house to make it more welcoming to potential buyers. It started with lots of excitement and plans for a move, though we knew we shouldn't get too emotionally involved in the process. After all, 'til the last papers are signed, keys exchanged and escrow closed, it's not a done deal. Mr. B is thrilled with the austerity, but the girls and I are growing weary of it. And as the new school year approaches, I wonder if we'll be here unpacking and moving back into our existing home (how will we EVER get used to all that STUFF in here again?) or decorating a new place.

Living in a semi-packed condition leads to plenty of issues, not the least of which is inaccessibility to much of our "stuff." That probably wouldn't be an issue if we didn't really USE our stuff, but we do. I feel bad that I was unable to make the dress E wanted for her birthday (the first time she's outright asked me to sew a dress for her) because the machines are, quite literally, buried in the garage. Many of the girls' play things are in boxes and they're growing out of them while we wait.

I feel like life is on hold.

But this will become especially noticeable in the fall when school projects kick in again. I don't like to dishonor the girls' work by immediately placing it in a box or drawer or closet. We display work here, and that doesn't fit with the real estate agent's learned counsel regarding maintaining a spotless house for ideal showing.

So...that got me thinking...we've talked since 2009 of taking our school back on the road. This time for a loop through the south (largely to visit friends and family), then up the east coast (E wants to play in Plymouth, MA and V wants to got to Maine). We need to be back home in time to hop the train to Washington for Thanksgiving, and travel isn't exactly small change these days, even for boondockers like us. But...I started fiddling around with the map. Sure could use some input.

If you were doing a trip through the nation's eastern states (anything east of the Mississippi), where would you suggest, and why? What are your highlights, particularly with children in mind? If you read this blog, you know what we're into (nature, art, dolls, animals to name a few). Drop your ideas in the comments boxes for all to see...and for us to consider. :)

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