Breastfeeding Support

California Central Coast Breastfeeding Support Resources

  Organizations/Support Groups

Central Coast Breastfeeding Coalition - The Central Coast Breastfeeding Coalition aims to create a healthier community through the promotion of breastfeeding and the continued development of community resources and support for nursing families.

La Leche League Helps mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.
      La Leche League of SLO, (805) 242-2294
      La Leche League of Santa Barbara, (805) 270-3321

Breastfeeding Warm Lines (phone support)
      French Hospital, SLO - (805) 541-2229
      Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton - (805) 434-4644
      Marian Medical Center, Santa Maria - (805) 739-3388
      Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center, SLO - (805) 546-7889
Birth & Baby Resources Network - A non-profit,community based, volunteer organization that helps educate, empower and support childbearing women and their families during pregnancy, birth and early parenting.

Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Support Group (free) - (805) 543-6988 - Meets Thursdays from 11 a.m. 'til noon at 1230 Marsh St., SLO.

 Breastfeeding Consultants & Clinics

 Breastfeeding Specialist Andrea Herron CPNP, IBCLC  - (805) 543-6988

Expressly Yours/Lisa Marasco - (805) 937-9717

Dignity Health Hospital Breastfeeding Clinics (English & Español - SLO,) - (805) 541-2229
Lactation Lulu/Lindsey Law, IBCLC - (805) 748-7541

Twin Cities Hospital Outpatient Breastfeeding Clinic - (805) 434-4644 - Free parent support groups


Ameda Breastfeeding Resources - a variety of articles on how, when and why to breastfeed and pointers for making life easier during breastfeeding stages.

American Academy of Pediatricians' Breastfeeding Info

New Dad Manual Breastfeeding Page

Parenting & Breastfeeding Site

Old-school books and other printed resources

"Child of Mine," by Ellyn Satter, RD
"The Happiest Baby on the Block," by Harvey Karp, M.D.

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